
Michelle Lusk, Executive Director

Michelle has been with CKRC since 1991. After serving as Director of Regulatory Affairs for many years, she became the association’s Executive Director in 2015. She oversees all aspects of the association, serves as the key contact with the federal government, and works directly with CKRC member company representatives to effectively monitor, identify, and appropriately respond to regulatory initiatives that have the potential to impact the process of recovering energy from secondary materials in the manufacture of portland cement.

She played a key role in the development of industry comments in response to myriad Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) regulatory efforts over the years including the Hazardous Waste Combustor National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (HWC NESHAP); Definition of Solid Waste (DSW), Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSM) and Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration (CISWI) rulemaking efforts; Public Participation guidance efforts; and regulatory reform initiatives.

In addition, Michelle led the CKRC member effort to participate in the USEPA Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign (SC3) as a charter member in 2007.  The SC3 volunteer effort was committed to promoting and facilitating responsible chemical management in K-12 schools.

Michelle has a B.S. in Education from the University of Texas in Austin and an M.S. in Environmental Science and Policy from The Johns Hopkins University.  She lives in the Washington, DC area with her husband and three sons.